Design*Sponge mentions Identity Crisis!

It was great to have a little mention of Identity Crisis! in a post on the Design*Sponge blog yesterday. (Hmmm...I think the "Brand Makeover" addition to the book title in the D*S reference came from the headline when Identity Crisis! was featured in HOW Magazine) The blurb on ordering Identity Crisis! certainly stirred up a lot of interest in the book.

Check out Design*Sponge - it offers a great commentary on all things design.

Identity Crisis! at the Art Institute

On Thursday, February 28, I will be making a presentation about Identity Crisis! 50 Redesigns That Transformed Stale Identities Into Successful Brands to students at The Art Institute of Portland. I'll be speaking from noon until about 1:00 p.m. in Room 262 of the facility at 1122 NW Davis St. in Portland, OR.

VanderVeer Center - A case study

Dr. Elizabeth VanderVeer’s clinic, offering nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, was having an identity crisis. In the period of just over a year there had been two name changes (one logo is shown above) and a major internal business reorganization.

It was decided to rebrand the company with the Doctor’s name. Initially I was asked to maintain Papyrus as the font for the redesign. By showing the client multiple images of the font in use by local businesses I was able to encourage the use of another typeface.

Originally the client proposed that the identity have an Asian influence, with bamboo as a design element. As the project progressed further, it seemed more appropriate to create an image that worked well with the rich Tuscan colors the walls of the clinic had been painted. The font Mousse Script lent itself well to use in the identity, especially with the expressive “V” letterforms.

Once the new logo (at right) was finalized the rebranding took an unusual turn. Before a stationery package, or any collateral materials, could be designed the immediate creation of a two-page magazine spread was required to meet an impending deadline for the premiere issue of a new publication.

The previous ads (at left) ran over a period of the previous six months and demonstrated the split personality of the business at the time.

The fact that Dr. VanderVeer was an artist led to the proposing of “The Art & Science of Image Enhancement” as a tagline. With the photo images of Loma Smith, the colors of painted walls in the clinic and the new identity, the ad effectively introduced the VanderVeer rebranding. The ad became the inspiration for all other marketing and advertising pieces.

The rebranding of the VanderVeer Center is one of 50 case studies, from designers and firms around the world, featured in my latest book, Identity Crisis!: 50 Redesigns That Transformed Stale Identities Into Successful Brands. The volume was released by HOW Books in late 2007. Read more about the book on the Identity Crisis! blog.

The initial two-page VanderVeer Center ad (above) was honored with a 2007 Summit Creative Award. A one-page version of the ad appears in The Big Book of Layouts. The VanderVeer Center logo is featured in The Big Book of Logos 5. The rebranding case study is also posted on the membership site The Designers Inner Circle.

© 2008 Jeff Fisher LogoMotives.