Using Twitter to promote "Identity Crisis!"

Author and cyber pal Kristen Fischer has written the article "Using Twitter to Promote Your Book" for the independent worker site FreelanceSwitch. Twitter is one of the online resources I use to promote my books Identity Crisis!: 50 redesigns that transformed stale identities into successful brands and The Savvy Designer's Guide to Success: Ideas and tactics for a killer career (recently re-released as a PDF on CD). Fischer was kind enough to mention my book promotion efforts in the piece.

I use Twitter regularly to mention book-related speaking engagements, book signings, online sales of the books, blog entries, and mentions of my books online and in print. I will certainly be implementing the networking tool in the marketing and promotion of my upcoming book Logo•Type (HOW Books, 2010).

Fischer makes use of Twitter to market her own books, Ramen Noodles, Rent and Resumes and Creatively Self-Employed. I had the pleasure of being interviewed for inclusion in Creatively Self-Employed. In late 2007, Fischer also interviewed me for the article "Veteran Designer Embraces Identity Crisis and Casual Fridays."

You can find me on Twitter at @LogoMotives. Tweet! Tweet!

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